Willows Daily Journal from Willows, California (2024)

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THV)UirAT OCT 0 1 wnxowa daily journal wulowi gautoania ro thnkN Classified Ads REAL' ESTATE OB BALE WANTED JUE REORMER OUND NextTime HVTICK TIRES 4 MACHINE WORK KNOCK NOTICE TIRE OWNERS Making the Credit Liquid TO LEASE BONDS NOTARY LOOT PUBLIC Phon 174 A ItA Wallin 64 Willow The irst National Bank of Willows MEMBER A Gleaa County Product: ITCH 'RACT OB SALE OR TRADE NO DELIVERY POULTRY ITCH ITCH RUIT We are going to sell one gross GOODYEAR REPAIR KITSateach anywhere at any Jim CONTRACTS TAKEN OR RICE RANCHERS HAULING Walter Gath HELP WANTED The Tailor 5 TRUCKING I RESH AND SALTED MEATS ALL KINDS s' 5 Naturally Rented noiURsnoKiNO Oiy Acetylene Wilding 5 a They an ballt to an bo tho Beet Concom In tho World to Work for and the Sqaareet Concern in Exlotencotodo Buelneet with1 HELP ANY DESCRIPTION DRATTNG AND Two naw auto truck Contract for haul ing taken Hay end wood for tale Llnebaugh Elk hom*o Stable feed and livery 141 Tehama BL Phan 173 mlStf Summer Schedule: Auto stag leave WILLIAMS daily (Except Sundey) at abqut 1 4 INSURANCE AGENCY OR BALE wiaaewMnv iJOR SALE AT ALL STORES Vieira' Shot Shop' ba been moved to lit Tehama etreet Careful at tention irlven to all repair work PHnea maannahla We repair your Tires so you can get increased mile age Work fully guaran teed Bring in your old Tires and let us prove it to yon Our prices are right COURTEOUS TREATMENT IRST CLASS SERVICE The ederal Reserve Banking System is a simple and practical means of making the credit liquid at all times TO Laween 16 26 tractor guaranteed to pull anything up te It In rice aeparator Good proposition to right party Addree Box 1 Or 'n1 aiotf ZIf 40o PERWXEK OR IVE ll LINES OR LESS Ite PER WEEK OR EACH ADDITIONAL LINE MINIMUM CHARGE Me MOUNTAIN Order your Crimea Golden now whll have them Other varletlee Northern Spy Rellsflowera Spltsenberg Law ver Missouri Pippin We make spe cial price on 100 lb lota not packed Phone 47 171 North Murdock Ave PawHnw Ronw Phono 127 121 Walnut St iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiy 130 Unite St Phono Si tinillllllllllilllllliliiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiih7 Lard Bacon Ham Sanaage constantly on hand at lxweet prices MATTEI Glenn County ReprMentative Office: 111 Walnut Sweet fillo Superior Vulcanizing Works Ml Tehama st THE greater mileage the uninterrupted servicer that isk Tires give starts with their built in goodness Big way oversize tough measure their mileage against any tire you have over used hidden facts ON LEON bPEIER 244 WILLOWS As a member of that system this bank is as inde pendent of local conditions as it is humanly possible to make it IRE Lin: HEALTH ami ACCIDENT COMPENSATION LIVE STOCK PLATE GIiASb AUTOMOBILES BURGLARY The Stuff Made of Marks Their Worth (ormerly Park Battery Co) Automobile Electricians OUR DRIVE TRACTOR Moat Economical for General arming 100 Efficiency In Mud or Sand OR 2 Iota cabin and lum ber enough for email house Bar gain All goes for 2S0 Alan house and lota for 11000 Alto other houe ea and lota 1600 acrea 1 mile met Chloo 11010 acre: 11100 acre sheep range 1100 acre Terma 100 tore rise lend Mod holies and buildings I flu aor Aleo other rlo lend for rent 3 Heusers Boa 111 uiiim isr imin mij These arc tho regular 60c seller If you uccd it or not a good help Step lively while they last All fresh stock STAR SERVICE STATION I STETSON Prop Opposite Diamond Match Lumber Oo Like Levy jipeler was born In th ahady neighborhood seven point of u10'' lm alrt a native of tha wicked city Leoh'a early history I a bit ob acure perhap ahady When th Spanish American war broke out he waa quit lad and being of patrio tic Inclination he Immediately be came connected with the commiary department because that's where the food was kept Before volunteering hl eervloe to the country he had not the mean wherewith to buy the doorknob of tho janitor' locker In tho Crawford hotel had tho hotel It elf been going to (he highest bidder at a newspaper men' convention he left the cnnimlaaarv department hla pocket were a full of lucre aa a aoft drink with dto guatl He had enough money to buy atock In a mercantile establishment In Willows He kept Hochhelmer' book (from falling off th shelve) This tnun waa put Into the world to do great thing and people That he ja a born leader of men to ahown by the record of hto first achievement of fame ELECTED PRESIDENT A number of year back In th his tory of Willow th clerk aaw necea aity of forming a union But there were obstacle In tho way And then Mon Spider popped upon the acene Where ambition and anticipation had failed brain succeeded Leon with out hesitation elected himself presi dent of the union much to the regret of all member Hla accomplishments as President of the Clerks' Union were discussed in tho poor men's clubs of that day for months after "Leon Sprier" they would say "has suc ceeded In closing all the store after rix and on Sundays" Hut now that some of the merchants want their store open on Sunday they have the 'audacity to open them with out consulting the past grand presl dent at all But there was a trick sonic there waa a joker In the but the genteel awindle waa too dee'p However Loon accom plished a fortune and retired from business BECOMES REORMER' Closing the stores on Sunday made him so famous that he decided to en gage In the pious graft of reforming inding It one of the moat nrotltable of the legitimate grafts he had tried and so decidedly genteel he determin ed to stay with It Ho has been a reformer sever since Ills first htg reform was when he next came Into the limelight as foreman of a Grand Jury and had hla name In tho paper three times In black caps Because the papers ran hto name such a few times and In auch small point type he then and there began to expose them SAVES COUNTV TREASURY He started In on The Journal He compiled 19 columns of figures copied from imaginary official records show ing that The Journal as well as oth er papers of the county with leaser fume had wilfully maliciously and feloniously abstracted from the coun ty treasury large sums of money He reformed around until the pastors were using him as tho horrible exam pie In their sermons and he finally got the county straightened out However he failed to collect the money alleged to have been stolen from the county by the newspapers because the court through some fluke In the plans happened to be composed of honest men 4 I DABBLES A BIT IN POLITICS Being unable to do all the reform Ing he felt It hla duty to do ho decid ed to become a supervisor Everyone was against hfm but In the face of such fierce opposition when tho votes were counted he found himself elect ed His reforming history as a su 4 pervlsor will not be placed before the public at this date ns would take too much space Suffice It to say that A reformed himself out of nn oddle of votes In tho next election HIS IRST DEEAT When hto term aa expired he felt It nothing less than a duty and obligation to stay In poli tics for hto bank roll waa losing weight So he ran again and was so confident that he dldn'teven let out contract for votes HI popularity la shown by the fact that he waa over whelmingly defeated NOT CAUGHT YET He Is at present engaged In the confidential art of raising rice and buying grain o' the Knoblau has been shadowing him for several weeks past and haa discover ed the following facts which are re luctantly set forth: Like Levy he playa poker Hto favorite flower Is a butter cup avorite sorrel avorite buttermilk (While he's reforming) avorite Police Garotte and Dally Journal MAY DABBLE IN MATRIMONY Ixon hopes In course of time to necumiilnte enough money to con vlnce some fair being of the gentler sex that he would make a good hus band And dug gun he's an op ponent of the League of Nations! All through hto reforming career ho has spared no means to convince the unsuspecting populace of his al mightiness WiOowsMeatMarket WEINRICH Proprietor 33 0 CaLI ASK OR PURITY BUTTER IN ALL THE WORIjDNo WATERS LIKE THESE Sulphur Baths Mur Batl ililllliiiiiiilirrnniniiiniiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii Motor Trucking WALL PAPER PAPER HANGING TINTING you mny need to harvest your crops instantly fur nished Phono or wire our expense NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT ACM 028 2nd St SACRAMENTO CAL Sacramento Leading 'Si Agency HERD 400 HEAD representing the best families and blood line In the breed Only the very best Indi viduals sold for brooder Balance go for pork There la no better place to buy th highest claaa of breeding ani mal at reasonable price Superior California arm Land Co Willows Cal Call etter phon 37W Willow jt! PAINTING Jacob iiassig 8o Plums Phono Contract taken for hauling) short or lonf trip: ton truck and traitor Reaeonabto rate iriuson WlllOWIt Etal IlIJi EXCHANGE NEAT MARKET Sycamore St UNDER NEW MANAGE KENT All kind resh and Salt Meats Cams Bacon and Lard Beat Service Reasonable Prices ROBINSON ROBINBON Proprietora RESERVOIR systems insure a steady water supply in every city and large town The faucet is of very little value without the reservoir behind it Come tn and Kolect Yppr ALL AND WINTER A new Un of good jut re ceived CLEANING AND PRESSING OR SALE OR 4 room house I screen porchea hot water bath electrio lights 3ft lots I lots in alfalfa with chicken tight fence fruit tree chicken house woodshed barn Will sell or trad for email country place Call at 314 a Shasta St imatf SITUATION WANTED By tractor owner on tract for plowing Ready to begin Mew A' 6S3Y Willow ng WANTED Position a truck or tractor driver by experienced hand Address Elvy Orland nil MAS STEPHENS MATTEI Buocceeor to GARRETTE A THOMAS Grain Buyers WOODLAND CAL OR 17 acre of all slit llYIT tond tin for grain al falfa or rice mile rlvsr frontage well Improved well located near Red Bluff Possession ran hkd ready for winter sowing ortier Red Bluff 01 oil BUY ISK STETSON STAR SERVICE STATION Willows Cal EU TRIPLETT Maxwell California ARTOIS GARAGE Artoil California ISK NOTICE MASONS! Laurel Lodge A A irst de gree Thursday evening October 30 I o30 VIC DeGAA Secretary Bear Claws Prune Cake Oatmeal Cookies Red Hot Rolla 7 big rolls tor 10 cents at th Home Leaven Bakery 222 Walnut St Karl Walter ag2tf Hot Tamales' served' at th Craw ford Candy Shop Tho beet you ever tasted oltf IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL i lllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir No Camouflage at I OWL SERVICE STATION Not 1 and 2 We Handle Boat Grade of it Gasoline Oils and Greases VALVOLENE MONOGRAM HAV0UN1 MONAMOBILE MOBILOIL ZEROLENE You get what you ask for at Owl Station qunliLy counts BLACKSMITHING OR HOU8EROLD GOODS OR Have a bargain sec ond hand heating stov Mrs Jack Hannah 165 8 Plumas St nl OR 1 upright grand piano In good condition for sale cheap for cash New England urniture Com pany nil Auto license plat No 134623 Owner may have name by calling at Journal office and paying cost of adv n3 Woman's leather handbag containing currency and other mlecel laneoua articles Owner can have earn by proving property Call Jour nal office nj McMARTDt Phone 411 410 Tehama Bt mi HOT SUM SPRINGS Colusa County Cal AdrlrnMo1 CUTHBERT WUlmr Springs Ou I Sewing plain or fan cy Inquire 03 8o Butte Bt To do your laundry work done at home by pHvate fam llyi flret claaa work at reasonable price Phone Box 3 Journal office nl Trucks to haul over 300 tons of rloe on good country road Apply at once to Ellis Levy of Hochhelmer A Co Wlllowa nl A few table boarder Apply to Mr Green 1ST 8 Mar ehall Ave Wlllowa o21 Work for new Holt 70 tractor Contracts taken tor plowing and other work Can begin work im mediately Charnley Box 342 Wlllowa 1'hone 321A o24tf WANTED 3 parties with 3 head work stock and wagons want work In rice fields banking out or other wise Day or contract Also want to sell 33 tons good grain hay Col lett A Bradfield Artola Toung man wants board and room In private family permanent Inquire Journal office tt 1 TURMAN Wiling Agent Glenn and Colusa Counties URNITURE RET AIRED URNITURE REPAIRED Now to the time to have your furniture repaired or your mattreeee remade We guarantee workmanship Call Naw Enrland urniture Ce Inlttf MOTOR TRUCKING AND STOCK HAWING DAY OR NIGHT JACK WILLIAMS Office Phone 193 Del Monte Residence Phone Sll 337 Murdoch Ave Willow Cal CHAMBERMAID Apply Crawford hotel o39 WANTED or dishwashing Apply ID Wright Crawford ho tat 029 OR Late model Columbia 3 automobile Al condition price Is right Terms Allen A Curtla Wlll oI3tf OR Several good used care on hand priced right for quick eala Small csah payment and balanet on easy monthly terma Don't buy until you thee Walter Crone Ov erland Agency next to Rialto Theatre Wlllowa Calif ettf cylinder Overland In good con dition good rubber also Grant Six Demonstrator Bargains Com In them over A Hanco*ck 127 Tehama Rt Willow ral tnkltf OR 3 corner lots 10x160 ft with 3 room 8 story house: eld walk laid olty water and light good location 3H block from Craw ford hotel on burinee street Will poy You to Me owner tor lowert price uoolllo Box 136 Wlllowa augl8tf OR SALE OR 2 corner ft' wth 9 mal1 tousea On Tehama St 8 block from Bank of Willow cement sidewalk down city Ught and water good location at a bargain uocUlo Box 131 Will auglltf 1 OR Three desirable resi dence (Itqs for eala No rearonable a ffer refused Boe Jaoob Haarig outh etreet Phone 111 mi tf UVE STOCK OR SALE OR 100 ahoats In fine con dition Dodge Land Company Chico Calif nJ9 WANTS Husband and wife wants work on ranch wife to do cooking husband to do outside work Call at Palace Hotel Room 64 020 WANTS Young mar tied man who to expert nccountant and bookkeeper wants position In Willows Enquire at Journal office 030 WANTED By young colored wo man housework or cooking In town by day or steady position Address Box 147 Willows Cnl o30 OICE WORK WIU return to Willow about Nov 1 Would 'take position In an office book keeping and typing What have you 7 Reference Buelnesa College Oakland Cal Nellie Klth Sehorn SSS Jnoss nslilsnd rial al Mf OR IIAY GRAIN ETcT Sid curtain for Templar car inder please return to Journal or notify and receive reward o31 Bunch of keys inder please return to or notify Mr Mae Rlonrtln Tax Collector office o30 OR MACMDfKRT OR Eight 6 foot Imperi al discs two Service Wagons two 40 Best Tractors Dodge Land Company Chico Cal n28 OR Corn and bean threah er 400 bags day capacity price 3326 Hansen Glenn nl OR On gas en gine In good order 8160 on good single buggy 316 one expree wagon cap 1600 lbw for 830 See A Sehorn 167 Plumas street Willows "75" BEST OR In Al shape just overhauled Caa be assn at my ranch 4 miles south of Prince ton east side of river Moul ton 33tf OR 32 Inch Cess rice thrseher used on season Pries rea sonable See Hanson or phone 1634ntf SAMSON SIEVE GRIP TRACTOR for orchard and open field work plowing harrowing dtoclag weed cutting and all stationary work I Wightman agent for Butt and Glenn counties office at Oldsmobile Garage phone 78' Chloo Oallf a30tf SAMSON SIEVE GRIP TRACTOR for orchard and open field work plowing harrowing discing weed cutting and all stationary work I Wightman agent for Butte Glennmd Colusa counties office at Chloo eiitf Lame and gentlemen te ride In jitney Call 114 AUTOMOBILES OR SALE OR Large two wheel auto traitor capacity 1200 to 1700 pounds bargain 7600 Bee It at Murray's Garage n4 OR Leghorn hone 1 and 2 yrs old Have been good layer and still are laying and about throught with molting Price 8160 8176 each Goldsworthy ranch 1 rnllne northeast of Bayllaa nl TRACTORS A TRUCKS MONARCH neverallp lightfoot trac tor Three else 80 18 30 12 10 1 Lay It own manganese steel track Turn In It own length fio track oil required Adapted to orchard open field and rise culture Wight man agent for Butte Glenn and Co lusa countie Office: Chloo Calif a ftl SHEEP OR 800 coming 2 year old ewes in fine condition Ad drero red Whitlock A Bona Pasken ta Cal Tel 732 n28 OR SALE Eight good work mules with or without harneaa Center phone 84 Wlllowa Route 4 Box 47 o80 OR SALE horses: 4n broke and halter broke reasonable price See Mr Scyoo 343 Sacramento 8t Willows OR Sowa acme with pigsome ready to farrow Buahee Or chard Co 1 mile north Ord Bend Glenn ol3tf OR Registered Holeteln realan bulls their backing on both sides to exceptionally strong and aa they oombln the blood of King Begla Komdlk Queen De Hols' Prince and Hsngerveld De Koi they should make extraordinary sires Their sire is Woodlawn Segls Orphan 3487 a airs of good six and good conformation wMUngton Smith 10 miles north east of Willows on boulevard d31tf OR Shorthorn Cattle Shropshire Sheep Berkahlr Hog Shetland and Welsh Ponlea All pedigreed etock of hlgheet quality Get our price before you buy Butte City Ranch Bov Rutte Cliv JER8ET HOGS OR RENT OR RENT 3 furnished rooms08 Bo Butte St n3 OR" RENT 10 head work stock and harness: 1 saddle Roeth King A Roeth ruto OR 80 acres of good rice land situated near the geographical center of the famous Capay Rancho plenty of water and excellent drain age Address Hugh Dodd Orland Calif nl OR 1 30 60 Rumley and178 Holt complete for threshing rice Dr Hing 726 St Sacramento nl4 17 I i wrciTEUPafiJUMaLi UNEEDA Glenn county herd ef Duroq Jereey hoge Key herd of the Pacific' coast Champion of Califor nia and Oregon State fairs It youre tn the market write Rlocum A Son Route 1 Wlllowa Cal Spe Mel SeU of vnnnr bnare 124 tf PLUMBING AND towqRK I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL kinds of plumbing and tin work In an expert manner Horse troughs tanka and well caring Located near Hochhelmer A Co' Ralph elge Paclfio phone 120 ftf DRAYING AND WOOD AND HAY OR 27 torts baled alfalfa and barley hay 20 per ton all under cover Louto Pleau 8 mile 8 of Wlllnwa Phnna 978A n8 READING ROOM READING ROOM Christ ian Science Society of Willows free reading room In church building 126 Walnut street open every day from 8 to 4 All authorised Christ ian Bclenre literature may be readpurchased or borrowed All Wel come 29tf WOOD OR Oak stove wood chunks 2 foot wood and 4 foot wood Buahee Orchard Co 1 mile north Ord Band Glenn olSff SHOE REPAIRING Walker who took a contract to cut our rice crop has gone and left 18 head of stock at our ranch We do not know the owner who will please call and get stock Bella Rlnsh Wlllowa Hoy MONROEVILLE Bl RKSHIRES Tfederal reserv? I 1 A I I IB a i (fOUR (fOUR DRlVf TBhi say i II I.

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Willows Daily Journal from Willows, California (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.