The Observer from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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THE OBSERVER ADELAIDE SATURDAY OCTOBER 18 1921 £7 al ML conducted by SSf MERCATOR CHESb UB RESORTS Advl Prl iec Alfi Hotel King William street Monday Tu Institute Parade Norwood Wednesday 730 CORRESPONDENCE Solutions to problem! should be addres sed "The Chess Editor The Register Office uot bitr than 14 days after publi cation The Editor 'cornea original games and problems for publication SOLUTION PROBLEM No 120 Kay Move I KtnQBi 1 Kt tQ B3 to 4 'h 2 Kt tnk 3 to Kt 8 mate If 1 Kl 2 to I If I I II tn 5 2 Kl 8 ill Correct implies Mills three maiks JI Radcliffe 4 Kr II uk Shcyng A Reul We tniiM credit voui woic i liect with thiec itiaik iur No llt Your solution to 120 fails He above for correct key move Will try and put you light per pout nt a later date A (lark Not quite correct in your guc but in the same family PROBLEM NO 124 Replies to which are due on before November 8 1924 By Loyd I Prtte a 0 a a a a a a IS 4 Places White to play and mute in three moves INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT IN NEW YORK Game in the tlii teenth roiiudr (Queen's Ojrcnmg) White Black Roti 1 Kt to 11 3 2 to 4 3 It to 4 (n) 4 to 3 5 to 3 Kt to 2 7 to 3 8 t'aatleH 9 to 3 ID to 2 11 to 4 12 to QR 6 13 to 5 14 takes 15 (J takes Id to 3 17 takes 18 takes 19 to mj 20 Kt to 4 21 Kt to Kt 5 22 Kt to 6 23 Kt takes 24 to 4 25 takes 26 Kt to 4 27 takes Kt 28 Kt takes Alechin 1 Io Kt 3 2 Kt to 3 3 to Kt 2 4 to 4 5 to Kt 3 l) 0 to Kt 2 7 Castle 8 to 3 9 Kt 2 10 to Bq 11 to eq 12 to 2 13 lakes 14 to 4 15 takes 16 Kt to 4 17 takes 18 taken 19 1 to 5 (c) 20 to 4 21 1' to B6 d) 22 Io 3 23 takes Kt (e) 24 Kt to 4 25 Kt takes 26 Kt takes 27 takes 28 takes (f) 29 to sq 29 Kt to 5 30 to eq 30 Kt to Kt 4 31 to 5 31 Resigns (g) (a) A doubtful move as it leaves a weak nea on the Queen's side (b) Not good in conjunction with the ianchetto In this type of game Queen's Bishop should be kept on its original diagonal The advance of the Queen's pawn merely pro vides White with a mark for attack by to 4 Better than the text move would have been Kt to 3 or Cuties fc) A weak move which enables King's Knight to come into action via 4 (di This gives up the exchange Better would have been to 3 (el If instead 23 takes then 24 Kt takes takes Kt 25 lakes Kt (Q 4) to 3: 20 lo 6 to sq 27 to Kt 4 to li 2 28 to Kt 5 Kt to 4 29 Kt to 5 and White should win (fl A mistake which loses two minor pieces for a Rook but Black had a lost game in any case (g) or if 31 to Kt 7 then 32 to Kt eq Kt to 6 X) takes B( Kt takes 34 Kt takes Kt and wma: if 31 to 4 then 32 tnkes Kt takes 33 takes ami Wins 3 (Ray Leper WBIW Mareezy 1 to 4 2 Kt to 3 to Kt 5 4 to 4 Castles 6 to eq 7 11 to Kt 3 to 3 9 to 3 (a 10 to 2 11 to 3 12 0 Kt to 2 13 Kt to 14 takes 17 to 2 (I) Black Capablanca 1 to 4 2 Kt to 33 to 3 4 Kt to 3 5 to 2 6 to Kt 4 7 Castles 8 to 3 9 Kt to 4 10 to 4 11 Kt to 3 12 to 4 13 take 14 to 3 17 to 1 26 3 th (K 2) to Kt 6 (c) 37 38 3 to II 4 takes to mi to Kt to to Kt to i to 2 to 2 33 to 3 34 37 'Wl 28 29 31 32 33 1H 28 2 30 31 32 Id to 17 to 18 takes 19 20 21 22 Kt tn Kt 3 takes to 2 tn 2 Kl i so Kt to 2 16 Kt to Kt 7 17 Kt to 3 18 takes 19 Kt to 5 20 to 3 21 Kt to 3 22 to 2 23 Kt Iks ch 24 25 20 i 24 25 to to to 2 In 11 5 (d) 23 takes Kt (e) lb tv takes 3 (g Il to 6 Kt to 2 Kt to 4 to 4 to Kt 3 to Kt 4 (h) Kt to 5 takes (j) Kt take Kt Kl 5 It to aq (k) to 4 St Kt 40 to 41 It to 8 42 to 43 takes Kt (u) 44 takes 45 to mj o) 46 to 8 47 to 8 48 to Kt 8 ch 49 to 8 ch 50 to 8 51 to Kt sq 52 to sq 63 to Kt 4 ch 54 I takes 55 to 5 50 Kt to 3 57 Kt takes ch 3 (m) 40 Kt to ft 41 Kt takes ch 42 Kt tn 6 43 taken 44 to 5 4 to 3 40 lo 2 47 Kt to Kt 4 48 to Kt 3 49 Kt to 2 60 to 6 ch 51 to Kt 6 ch 52 to 0 53 takes 54 to Kt 4 55 Kl to 3'41 takes 57 to Kt 6 Resigns (p) (a) In his game agaim Yates in the 'ast round of the tournament Marocxy played 9 to 3 in this position (b) Too alow Much better would have been 15 Kt to Kt 5 at once fol lowed if 15 to 5 by 1U Kt to 3 (c) Black could not have mode thin move had White played Kt to Kt 5 on liis fifteenth more as suggested in the preceding note (d 1 White should have kept hix strongly posted Knight at 5 as long as possible Much better than the text move would have been to 2 ie) Kt takes Kt was preferable as dte could not in reply have player Kt takes or Kt to 4 because of leaving liis Bishop eii piiae (f) More attacking wnu'd have been 24 Kt to 4 tlncatcning 25 Kt to 5 If in reply to 24 Kt to 4 Blavk played 21 to Ki 3 then 25 to Kt 3 with a strong attack (g) lo 6 at once would have been better (b jTlucatetiiiig to win two minor pieces tor a Rook by to 7 (i) io Kt 3 winning the Knight was a very tempting move but it would not have been sound uh Black would have obtained a winning attack eg 31 to Kt 3 Kt (K 2) to Kt 3 37 takes (if 35 tn 4 then 35 to 4 36 takes Kt Kt takes and wins) takes 36 takes Kt takes 37 2 (to stop 37 Kt to li 5) Kl to 4 38 takes Kt takes 39 to sq to 4 44) to 2 takes li 41 to 6 ch to 2 42 to 4 to sq and wine for if 43 takes then 43 takes cd: 44 to Kl sq lo to Kt 5 eh: 45 to 2 to 6 ch 46 to Kt sq to 8 mute Il instead of 35 takes While played 35 takes Kt then 35 takes and wins for it 36 lo 2 then 36 Kt to 4 or if 36 to 4 then 30 Kt to 5 in either case tbiealening 37 Kt takes ch Position after White's 34th move Black CujMkblauca vV mi (j) A pretty sacrifice of the exchange by which Black appears obtain a win ning attack a ie bs a in Hi Im Si MM gg (k) Better would have been 37 takes ch eg 37 takes ch 38 lakes to 5 and wius (l) A Iwtter defence would have been 38 to Sq followed if 38 to 5 by 39 to sq but Black had the advantage in any sc (tn) Stronger than capturing the Bishop's Pawn at once (n) The only move for if 43 lakes eh then A3 takes 4 to sq Kt fakes Kt eh au wins (n) Tf 46 takes then 45 to sq (threatening 46 lo 7) 46 to Kt 3 ch to 2 47 to to Kt 3 and wins (pi White had no defence as 58 Kt takes fo'lowed by 69 Kt to 7 ch and 69 to 7 eh was threatened If to aq then 68 Kt takes 69 to sq to 4 00 Kt to 3 to 4: 61 to Kt sq to 7 eh and win Young "I want half a dozen tn gagement rings nnorted Jeweller is usually cDoiun at a time air" Young "I know out going down to the seaside foi a couple of DRIED RUIT MARKET Request for Compulsory Pool Interstate Ministers Confer Tha Victorian Minister for Aprl culture (Mr Hogan) nd the At torney General of that State (Mr Slater) aeeompanled by Messrs Dis nay and Williams MLC'j Wailaeo MLA Ward (Victorian Hor ticultural Superintendent) and Thyme (Secretary to Mr Hogan) who who have boon visiting the River array settlements arrived in Ade laide on Sunday evening When at Renmark they met the South Australian Minister for Agriculture (Hon Buttcifield) aid while at that town attended a meeting ut which from 250 to 3U0 growers were present to dis cus the marketing of dried fruits A motion was passed in favour of a compul sory pool The Victorian Ministers at tended a meeting at which 700 growers were present at Mildura on riday and a similar motion was canied there The visitors met the Premier (Hon Gunn) and Mr Butterfield in conference in Ade (aide ou Mon lay morning and the Premier afterwards announced that consideration had been given to the fact that large meetings at Rentnark and Mildura had car tied resolutions favouring the creation by the various State Governments New South Wales Victoria Sonth Austra lia and Western of compulsory dried fruit pools It bad been decided to refer the question to the individual State Cabinets Growers Unanimous Discussing the mutter with a represen tative of The Register on Monday the Minister of Agriculture Ilion Butter field) said the dried fruitgrowers were in sisting unou the creation by the Govern menu of a compulaorr pool immediately At Renmark between 2w and 309 growers met to discuss the matter on Saturday A motion was submitted advocating tle control of the Industry by the Govern ment and that each grower should be com pelled tn take his share of the low ex port value as well as bis share of the considerably better local market An amendment however In the direction of the immediate introduction of a compul sory pool was submitted and carried with only three dissentients When the amend ment became the motion it waa earriel unanimously According to the Victorian Ministers much the aame thing had ip nened at a meeting held at Mildura on riday as a moti favouring State con trol of the industry gave place to one advocating the creation of a coinnulso pool It was felt ell along the Murray that unless something woie dene and done quickly there would oe a complete smash up of the industry Those outside the Australian Dried ruita Association had sufficient control injure ths whole trade and it oked as if any organisation tbst had been in existence up to the present time must Income a complete wreck The point that influenced the South Australian Government in the matter was that the Government of Victoria and South Aus tralia had large sums of money involve in the fruit industry What action would be taken to protect their own interests and the interests of growers unable to protect themselves remained to be seen aa tlie matter would be considered by the various State Cabinets Vlctorisn Ministers avourable It was ascertained that lhe Victotiau Ministers arc in favour of lhe suggested compulsory pool and the bulk of the settler along ihi riy air eager the establishment of it as they realise it is it the in hnhv is nt to be ruined Bvtuie leaving fur Mclbourn: Critical ight Deferred (A General Motets Product) Motoring of ler DADDY AND A GIRL'S SUICIDE death A Commonwealth and Associated Banks biokets that they did the market slij out ot the inability of buyers They wished to give to walk out lhe detail llr Of special cent the the way they to the slightest touch of by train on Monday afternoon Mr Hugon endorsed what had been stated by Mr Butterfield AND CYLINDER MODELS OR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EYES CROWLE LTD 759 PIRIE STREET ADELAIDE POWER Is the great essential for Sueces fui ASK the tell CARE YOUR 0 A RELIABLE GUIDE OR ALL MOTORISTS ON THE SUB) ECT CAR MAINTENANCE WOOL SALES EXCHANGE 0 and ciiroiiraging paper lined pack duly ot experienced motorht: he win you BUICKS work in respond the accelerator the extraordinary power developed by their recog nised "Valve In Engine il) a )rr nn inauest to lhe of EIm Burvctt aged 16 of McKenric Lt iiUinitSHA tolin BUCTk wvutll Ul as I Iiv covered at her home with a bullet wound a 1 in the head the Coroner found that the wound was self inflicted Her father a former detective stated that be had told the girl that be did not like her going to dances so often A few minutes before the shot rang out the girl was heard to my "What Jo you think of daddy not letting me go out this pack (at present in general me MELBOURNE Tuedav To day brought to a elose one ot the most critical period In recent Aus tralian finance On Monday Mr Garvan (Chairman of the rd I Directors of the Commonwealth Bank) eave the assuraneo that funds would be forthcoming to finance each bale of wool and each bag of wheat Tle elect of eo definite a stiti nicut was io iriMare those connected with the trade with measuic of confidence Still giowet and woolselling brokers weie Lilli afraid that the ii regularity of the inarki for certain grade rf wool in Adelaide might bring a diuggiug down of price At the sale vi the veries of nuciioua arranged lo bo opened iu Melbourne to day so iiotoiy was the situation vievcd by those present that it was practically decided to stop further operation it were found tliit the intbience of the situa tion was telling gain the pastoral in dtutry No Stoppage ot Saks ortunately the demand for fine wtnds was maintained but there wo irregul rity in KsiK ct lo fcnnc of the broader type The general result however was that nl tlumgli Yus kbii buying was etricled io ita 'ii exinted for any slippage of the sale That would have been nc to emphasize to bankers the determination of both growers anl not intend to let control because to obtain redits inn Gir lli bank of the plan outlined by Mr Garvan in the statement made by him on Monday Associated Banks Bulletin Now ii that such drastic action will mt he necessary This is shown by fuiinil bulletin ioiicd to day by t'e Associated Banks which "As a re sult oi the recent conference between the wealth Bank and the Associated Ikinks the following understanding has been arrived The wool and wheat exchange to be partially pooled upon a basis to be agreed upon after allowing for the xaryiug incidence of the acvcral businessts the Commonwealth Bank taknig its share The Common wealth Bank to make available the re quired additional currency if the offer of the Commonwealth Bank (as a central in stitution) to submit proposal for the "Ho cation of the pool If it is adopted the jicerwiary detail arraiigcmcnl will Ik completed in lhe near future but unlit these are agreed to by the banks lhe matter cainvt gtrded as finally settled 1 DISCUSSED BY WOOLGROWERS MELBOURNE Tuesday At meetings of the Australian Wool growt iM Council held in Melbourne the probable serious effect of the financial Htringemy has been icussed anti it haa been agreed that definite action i impera tive A prnpoal from the Bradford Chamber of Commerce was discussed This urged that with the view of discour aging the uc by woolgrower ot the un line I jut use) the should be imposed on the importation into Australia of the unlined pack aud that paper lined pa 'ks lx? admitted free In return the Bradford Chmnler wou'd be agreeable to allow growers the aunt of for each lincd pack The proposal regal del jrqiosterou and it waa unanimously decided to reaffirm the resolu tion previously passed that growers bs recommended to adopt a Mqer liued pack provided the buyer agreed to pay the full incii ased coat The council conferred with the national council of woidscllihg brokers about wool lz koI It was consHleieo un perative lth from a national viewpoint and from the point of view ol the grower that definite action should lie taken imme diately to overcome the present difficulty Il was gaided a unthinkable that no thing could Ik dne by the banks and it was Imped that the conference being held between the ircently appointed Common weoltli Rank Board and the Associated Banks would arrive at a solution of the problem A representative subcom mittee with full power to act was ni winled by the growers to co operate wiflt die biokei in watching developments and taking sinh acti us might be neces VICTORIAN SECOND SERIES MELBOURNE Tuesday The opening of the second aeries of wool auction lor the current season was in vented with unusual interest owing various slatement as to the inability of buyers to obtain credits It wa an nounced at the sale that th ssfciated banks id advised that the London ex change rates had been altered in the mottling and that an increase pf 10 per rent waa being made iu tbc discount of Itoth buying and selling rates which for 00 currency now Buying 926er cent and discount selling 65 per cent Aleo as it was understood that the Union Bank of Australia had telephoned to all ita wool buying clients that their drafts would be negotiated other banks had sent similar notifications Apparently this sKcl had been well ventilated as the Hike on the whole proved more successful than had liecn anticipated The cntalngiies were mostly composed Rivcrini and northern wools exhibiting that depth of growth which Las now be come associated with cmrency clips but with a larger proportion of eiosbrcd particularly comeback Tbc latter came iu fr special attention All super wools were Him at the level current at lhe opening serie That position also applied to parcels showing qualities mainly to Aniericnu aud lajiaiiesc coinpetitimi On the other hand good wools and lop making sorts were very irregular selling at from 5 to 7J tr cent lower aulty broken and piects showed sitnihr results Comebacks and crossbred realized full Lite rat hut lopmakiitg sort of all grade ruled 3 per cent lower Lainla wook were un hange The top prices Lint i hs tiv wrrp fin nvci beitlil 40d: Kihiysnd IMJd new edition of this valuable little text bo ou car maintenance has just been iaaued by the Vacuum Oil Company Proprietarv Limited Right through ilt 64 pages there much that the motorist will read with interest and profit There are many good illustrations which aid the 1 a a rt1 4 Vve dlil uHor of the vatioui chapter The information embodied in Care of Your Car" has been carefully compiled by the Boards of Automotive Engineers of the Vacuum Oil Company Every effort ha been made to give only such advice aa is based on the most tiiorougb going scientific re search in the design and operation ot automative equipment The subject mat ter i written so that it can be readily understood and followed by the average motorist An intc eting featuic of the publication is the chanter on ''Trouble and their Remedies" ifty four common motor troubles are listed and the remedy is sho in each ease The importance of correct lubrication in the proper main tenance of the motor car is emphasized The necessity for using a high grade oil the correct grade of such for draining the crank ease pcrindicallv and for the application of the right lubricant to various parts of the chassis regularly is clearly pointed out At the cod of the booklet is printed the complete Gar goyle Mobiloil Chart of recommendations for 1920 1924 models cf all makes of motor cars motor trucks motor cycles and trac tors By following the practical nnd sound hifurmatkn contained in the pages of thia booklet and by using the grade of oil recommended in the chart for hi particular car the motorist will secure mu ujriai44ijf vii4vTiic? nu vepm i gieady in Icrepin down Lis cnMiand in rumcbark over tpotipot for maintenance and repairs N288v92 pon THE RENMARK MEETING A large meeting of Renmark growers both of members of the ADEA and out siders with representative of Berri and Moorook last Saturday night carried a unanimous resolution urging the imme diate formation of a compulsory pool for dried fruits The meeting was attended by Messrs Hogan and Slater Victorian Ministers Disney (Hon Minister) Wil liams and Wallace (members of the Vic torian Parliament) and Mr Butterfield (Minister of Agriculture) and Mr McIn tosh of the South Australian Parliament Local sneakers laid strewi on the absolute need ot a pool to prevent chaos in the Australian market and save the induc'ry from ruin A similar resolution was car lied at large meeting at Mildura The request was yiwathetically re ceived by Mr Butti rheicl who promised to lay it before the Premier and said that if notion were thkon it would be during the present sesaiou of Parliament The Victorian Ministers while not pledging their Cabinet said that it could le taken as morally certain that Victoria would introduce legilition along the lines desired by the Mildura and South Australian glowers li li HBl 418 sf.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.