Read MTL - Reincarnation Paradise - v68 Chapter 14 : The bottom of darkness - NovelBuddy (2024)

The ice and snow in the Queen's bedroom gradually melted, except for the traces of battle damage, it became similar to when Su Xiao first came here.

Just after the battle, Gulu who was at the corner of the wall made a move, and the short knife slipped out of her cuff. After she grasped the handle of the knife, she stabbed at Shengshi's neck.


The gauntlet-less dagger pierced hymn's head in response, and the blood-stained tip pierced out of her celestial cap.

With a plop, Shengshi knelt down powerlessly, and could only look up at Gulu.

"Your skin is so good."

Gulu grabbed Hymn's chin, and slowly pulled out the short knife from his other small hand.

Hymn stared at Gulu, the astonishment and unwillingness on his face gradually turned into a smile.

"You will regret this."

The hymn that likes to bury people, and the person who is shot with a smile on his face, in the past, this face that gave the big sister next door, now gives people an indescribable sense of horror.

Witnessing this scene, Caesar, who had a smirk on his face, restrained his smirk a bit, and asked in a low voice, "My dear friend, do you have any grudges with this woman?"


"Don't kill her yourself. The safest way is to let something more difficult than her kill her."

Caesar had a rare serious expression. Hearing this, Su Xiao learned a key piece of information, Hymn was not completely dead.

Su Xiao came into contact with hymns in the last world. She didn't know much about the other party's information. Most of the rumors were that hymns held funerals for enemies.

I don’t know if this is a hobby of hymns, or something else. After hymns kill the enemy, as long as there is enough time, the 12 knights of the "Hymn Knights" will definitely dig mines + cut trees on site to make a coffin, and then the 12 knights will carry the coffin for burial .

This is not over yet, the hymn still needs to be prayed for the deceased, and if there is enough time, a simple memorial service for them will be held.

According to the known information, Hymn seems to be the strongest healing department at the eighth level. In the last world, she was the representative of the Holy Light Paradise, that is, a leader.

Shengshi and Xianji are old rivals. With Xianji's behavior style, she didn't take the initiative to trouble Shengshi, and there was a faint tendency to hide.

When fighting for the supply box before, Xian Ji was slapped by Sheng Shi in front of so many people. With Xian Ji's temper, not only did she not take the initiative to retaliate, but she also had a tendency to turn the matter over?

Thinking of this, Su Xiao was vigilant in his heart. In a fully open world like the tree life world, sometimes it is not that the combat power is stronger than the enemy, so you can sit back and relax. Participants like hymns who show their true strength after being killed must Be on high alert.

Now Gulu killed Shengshi, Su Xiao looked at Gulu and asked, "Did you get the killing merit?"

"Got it, but..."

Gulu didn't continue talking. The kill prompt she received was a bit strange, but she didn't feel anything unusual about herself.

When the battle is over, it's time to distribute the benefits.

Judging from the current situation, neither Wood nor Sinias is ready to make a move, the reason is that they will continue to cooperate in this world.

In this battle, Su Xiao certainly took the lead. He fought the queen head-on throughout the whole process, so he accounted for 50% of all profits, and he was happy to wear a crown.

Sin Yas inherited his wife's contribution, because Ona invaded the Queen's body throughout the battle, and the risk she took was much smaller than Su Xiao's, but given her role in the battle, it took more of the benefits Twenty percent, the dark blade of the light and dark sword belongs to her.

Wood was also at 20%. Although this guy was weakening the queen all the way, he didn't face the queen directly. After weighing it, the light blade belonged to him.

Sinias and Wood are not from the Paradise camp. Although they have a temporary notarization of the Void Tree, at most they can get the killing rewards of ordinary and elite units. For example, after killing the "One Punch Mushroom", they can get souls coin.

They don't have the "Mark of Paradise" and cannot get the rewards for killing boss-level units, but they are also participants in the battle. As compensation, the Void Tree gave them "share of notarization rights".

For example, Wood's "notarization share" is 100 points. If he wants to take the light blade out of this world and back to the void, he must first use 20 points of notarization share to notarize the light blade.

After Su Xiao, Wood, and Sinyas finished sharing the loot, Gulu coughed lightly, meaning that there was still 10% of her.

Sinias looked suspiciously at Gulu, and after Baja briefly explained the situation to him, he suddenly understood.

"Since you are participating in the battle, you should get the spoils. Take it. This is your spoils."

Sinias picked up the queen's pillow on the huge bed, which was half a meter in diameter and taller than Gollum's height.


Gulu, who was a little confused, took it subconsciously. Instead, she nodded and accepted the reward. The stuffing in the Queen's pillow is valuable.

There are not many treasures kept by the queen. Apart from the crown and the double swords, there is only a metal box left.

The workmanship of this metal box is fine. Judging from the color, it has been around for some years. It was found from the hidden compartment of the huge bed. Its material can shield the perception, so it is impossible to detect what is inside.

Gulu squatted in front of the metal box, trying to open the metal box, but three feet from three directions stepped on the metal box.

This thing can't be opened, if you open a good thing that can't be divided equally, Su Xiao + Wood + Baha will join forces to deal with Sin Yas, Sin Yas is in the best state now.

"Not as good as the one with the highest price?"

"Measured by what?"

"Soul coins are fine. Reincarnation Paradise, Void, and Fallen Star all circulate this hard currency."


Preliminary discussion, this metal box is not opened, whoever gives out more soul coins, this thing will go to whoever, after that, the soul coins will be distributed according to the method of Su Xiao 50%, Wood 20%, Sinyas 20%, and Gulu 10%.

Su Xiao can't afford this thing, he just entered this world not long ago, and he paid Solomon 3000 soul coins before, now he is very poor.

The more important point is that Su Xiao doesn't think there is any good stuff in it. From the perspective of Wood, Sinias, and Gulu, the queen is a formidable enemy of the occasional type, and they know very little about the queen.

Su Xiao knows a lot about the queen. The metal box cannot be a resource to improve strength. If there is such a thing, the queen has already used it by herself.

The Queen doesn't love power, how did she become the Queen of the North? The answer is to eat it.

The queen's resistance to delicious food is not high. As we all know, the meat of extraordinary beasts is very good. You only need to add salt, and it will be delicious after roasting. After one bite, people can't stop.

All the extraordinary beasts in the north were about to be eaten and cried by the queen. They reckoned that if they didn't think of a way, they would all be eaten to extinction by this ghost woman.

A group of elders from the extraordinary beast clan approached the queen, knelt down and affirmed the queen, expressing their heartfelt surrender.

At that time, the queen was hesitant, but finally agreed. When she heard the news, those superhuman creatures were terrified. In the past, the ghost girl would not eat them because they were humanoid, but after a long time, God knows that the other party could not eat them. After eating the meat of extraordinary beasts, will they overcome their psychological barriers and swing the table knife at them?

In this way, a large number of extraordinary races came to seek refuge with the queen. In that scene, one pretended to be more pitiful than the other.

The queen was a little angry, but she was allowed to wave a table knife at her subjects. She really couldn't do it. After she was betrayed by the ghost race, all these extraordinary races stood up, expressed their support for the queen, and wiped out the ghost race .

Without the queen's order, these extraordinary races dare not act rashly. How can I say that the ghost clan is the queen's direct family.

The queen got used to it naturally, and later, she came to the bottom of the big tree hole and ordered to build the sleeping hall here. At that time, because of her strength, she had already begun to be eroded by the power of the abyss, and she simply came to the bottom of the abyss. The place that is rich and continues to spread outwards uses itself as a shackle to prevent the power of the abyss from the ground from overflowing.

It can be seen from this that the queen does not value power and money, and only such a person can cultivate double masters.

With the temperament of the queen, what good things will be in this metal box? Even if she had it before, she would have rewarded her meritorious subordinates long ago. She has been eroded too deeply by the power of the abyss, and she has no use for those rare treasures.

The reason for keeping the stone of the broken soul is because no one can awaken the power of the stone except the destroyer, and it is for this reason that the queen put the stone of the broken soul on the ring.

Inferring from this, it is not difficult to guess that the things in the metal box are only valuable to the queen, but not of much use to other people.

"I will offer 7000 soul coins."

Su Xiao was the first to ask the price. Although he didn't buy it, it didn't prevent him from raising the price.


Sinias was surprisingly rich.


Wood followed up immediately.


When Gulu asked for the price, she let out a small breath, and she felt a little sleepy.

As soon as the price of 9,000 soul coins came out, the scene suddenly quieted down. Seeing this, Gulu was no longer sleepy on the spot. She just asked for a price at will. In her opinion, with the strength of the queen, this metal box containing secret treasures is at least It is also worth more than 20,000 soul coins.

"Since no one else has made an offer, I will announce that bidder No. 4 has won this lot, and everyone applauds and congratulates."

After Caesar finished speaking, he was the first to clap his hands, and Boubo Wang and Baha also joined in.

Gulu didn't react for a while, she scratched her head, always feeling wrong, she asked, "Wood, why didn't you increase the price?"

"Not enough soul coins."

"What about you, Brother Tentacle?"

"Respect the old and love the young."


What Sinyas said made Gulu feel a little confused.

Obviously, both Wood and Sinus were aware of the clues and didn't fight for the metal box. Gulu, although she is very smart, there are too many old women in the dormitory at the moment.


Gulu paid the soul coins, and Su Xiao received a reminder.

[You get 4500 soul coins (notarized income). 】

After the loot was divided, Su Xiao checked the killing prompt that just appeared.

[Reminder: You have killed the eldest daughter of the abyss, Yuluo. 】

[You get gold skill points x2. 】

[You get the abyss treasure chest (after opening, there is a low probability of getting an abyss product). 】

[You get the Dark Resident (special title, this title will disappear after leaving this world). 】

【Dark Residents】

Place of Origin: Tree World

Quality: ☆ (0 stars)

Category: title

Title effect: right of residence (passive), after wearing this title, you will have the right to stay and live in the "Dark Realm".

Introduction: You who have obtained this qualification by killing the king will be feared and guarded by some dark residents, but being feared by others is sometimes safer.

Price: Unable to sell, this title will disappear after leaving this world.

Among the Queen's kill rewards, there are actually 2 gold skill points, which Su Xiao did not expect.

The obtained [Abyss Treasure Chest] is a good thing, even if there is only a small chance of obtaining an abyss product, it is equally attractive.

What are the known products of the abyss? One is the jar of the abyss, which does not give people a good impression, but another product of the abyss makes people salivate, and that is the black maple tree.

The first tree species of the black maple tree was obtained by someone's luck by opening a temporary passage leading to the abyss. Since then, there has been a black maple tree in the void.

It is said that only the mother tree planted through the tree can use its branches or branches to cultivate a new black maple tree. The black maple trees of Heiyuan, Yuanlongdi, and Arcane Eternal Star are all based on Come here.

Why not cultivate black maple trees in large numbers? This is not only because of the harsh growth conditions of black maple trees, but also because there are rumors that there is a limit to the number of black maple trees. If the upper limit is exceeded, no matter how good the environment is, the newly cultivated black maple seedlings will die.

Su Xiao is not sure about the truth of this rumor, but Su Xiao has a deep understanding of the fact that the black maple tree has strict requirements on the planting environment. When his black maple tree was still in the seedling stage, it looked like it would die for him at every turn. .

Therefore, even if the [Abyss Treasure Chest] has only a small chance of opening an abyss product, it is still exciting. If a treasure with the same value as the black maple tree species is opened, it will be developed.

The last title of [Dark Resident] is temporarily useless, Su Xiao doesn't know where the "Dark Realm" is.

The powerful enemy has been killed, and the sleeping hall has been explored once. This is the end of the bottom of the big tree hole. It stands to reason that returning the same way is the best choice, but no one left.

Su Xiao sat cross-legged on the huge bed, and took out the [Hunting Ring], which had been inlaid with four stones of the broken soul. Incomplete, he took out the one he had just obtained, and with a click, the stone of the broken soul was absorbed.

You have to wait until you return to the Reincarnation Paradise to synthesize the Stone of Broken Soul Shadow, and you can't master the ability of Broken Soul Shadow right now.

Just now, Caesar inadvertently made a gesture, meaning not to leave the bedroom, this guy obviously found something.

"You three, how long are you going to stay here?"

Sin Yas spoke and urged Su Xiao, Wood, and Caesar to leave as soon as possible, which was more like a temptation.


Su Xiao didn't speak, and sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, manipulating a few micron-level spirit shadow threads to suture the wound in his body.

As for the left arm, Su Xiao has already formed a crystal arm. This is not the crystal arm of the past. This crystal arm not only integrates exile, but also improves the overall controllability. The fluorescent blue lines inside the crystal arm resemble nerves. constitute.

He can move the crystal arm because he exiles through manipulation, but this is not precise enough, so he uses the spiritual shadow line transformed from the energy of the green steel shadow, which mimics the neural structure, to connect with the nerve at the severed arm.

In this way, Su Xiao's crystal arm not only gained strength, but also controlled the details more perfectly. He did not develop this ability voluntarily, because his left arm was often cut off by powerful enemies. In desperation, this ability became more and more perfect.

"Waiting for you for an hour at most."

Sinias sat under the wall, holding the twisted cross around his neck with one hand, communicating with his wife.

"I'm leaving."

Gulu turned around and left. She didn't have the patience to wait for an hour, and she had no reason to wait.

After Gulu left, the bedroom became quiet, and the silence lasted for more than half an hour. Ona, who was inside the twisted cross, spoke.

"Husband, don't delay here."


Sinus made a silent gesture, Ona muttered under her breath, but did not contradict Sinus.

"It's pointless to spend so much."

Wood opened his mouth and heard that Caesar's expression was tangled, maybe he couldn't hide it. He came to the huge bed and took out a bunch of weird tools, forsythia buckles, and after a while, the metal side panels of the bed gradually emerged. A face of pain.

The metal face retched, as if it was about to be screwed, it turned into a lock plate.

There are pointers on the edge of the lock plate, surrounded by 30 different picture prints, and a total of 12 lock slots in the middle of the lock plate. This lock plate cannot be opened by luck and observation.

"How to unlock it?"

Sin Yasi looked at Su Xiao, meaning to let Su Xiao kick away.


Su Xiao didn't speak, and he didn't kick open the door of the queen's bedroom. It is conservatively estimated that the strength of this metal bed is much higher than that of the door.


Sinias looked at Wood, and Wood shook his head. There were too many causes and effects on the lock plate, and he couldn't help it.


Caesar coughed dryly, raised his chin slightly, and the Ouroboros Slate appeared in his hand. He tossed the Ouroboros Slate with one hand, but when he was catching it, he missed it at once, and the Ouroboros Slate hit his foot, bang With a sound, it hit the top of the thumb and toe.

Gu Kai bared his teeth in pain, and made a gesture to take off his shoes to check.

"Wait a minute, heroes!"

Baha hurriedly said, if these were slippers, there would be no room for people in the bedroom.

Caesar angrily picked up the Ouroboros slate from the ground, and asked, "The password."

'No comment! '

The Ouroboros slate is still so stubborn, and I don't know who gave it the courage.

"Her~ bah!"

After Caesar took a big mouthful of sticky phlegm, the Ouroboros slab began to tremble, and words such as "Dharma destroyer, save me" and "I will definitely help you" appeared on it one after another, Su Xiao ignored it.

In the end, a series of imprinted codes appeared on the Ouroboros slate, and Caesar turned the lock plate in order. When the pointer was aligned with the last imprint, there was a click from inside the bed.


The bed slowly slid back inward. When the bed stopped, a long groove on the ground was exposed. This groove was 1.5 meters wide, and inside was a downward step.

The steps were shrouded in black mist, and the black mist did not spread out of the ditch, keeping it level with the ground.

Sinias raised his hand into the black mist.


After a burst of horrific corrosion, Sinias' hand was withdrawn from the black mist, leaving only bones in his right hand.

A black tentacle grew from behind Sinias, and the front end of the tentacle turned into a sharp blade. With a swipe sound, his right hand was cut off, and the wound was filled with blood and flesh. In a blink of an eye, his right hand returned to its original state.

Sinias shook his head, indicating that there was no way to enter it. After probing, Wood came to the same conclusion.

Su Xiao looked at the black mist in the trench. He speculated that the "Dark Realm" should be below. He equipped the title of "Dark Resident" and touched the black mist with his left hand.

Nothing happened. After Su Xiao wore the title of [Dark Resident], the "Dark Realm" also recognized him as a Dark Resident, so naturally it would not erode him.

Su Xiao asked Baja to test it out, and as expected, Baja, as Su Xiao's follower, inherited the effect of this special title, so naturally Boubo Wang didn't need to say much.

"Looks like we didn't get a 'ticket.'"

Wood didn't feel sorry, he instinctively felt that the black mist was not a good place.

"Sinias, on the way here, I found a very interesting place in the Black Forest."

"Not interested in."

Sinyas answered casually, as if he was thinking about something.

"You can get a lot of soul coins."

"Lead the way ahead."

Sinus was immediately enthusiastic.

"As expected of you."

Wood and Sinias walked to the outside of the bedroom. Before leaving, Wood said something, and then met near the tree of beginning in "Ada Ancient Capital".

"My dear friend, you go first, and Caesar will follow."

Caesar took out a bunch of bottles and cans, this is the way to get into the black mist.

Su Xiao went down the downward steps. The surrounding black mist was slightly cool, and he couldn't see his fingers. After he walked down the last flight of stairs, the surrounding darkness gradually became translucent. It didn't dissipate, but it no longer blocked him. Sight and perception.

Although the light was still dim, Su Xiao could see clearly that he was in a slender underground passage with a width of more than 1 meter. The rock walls on both sides were built very flat, and the top was arched.

After Su Xiao, Boubo Wang, and Baja advanced several hundred meters, the two sides suddenly opened up.

[Reminder: You have reached the "Dark Realm". 】

[You have been disguised as a dark resident (this is the title effect). 】

[Warning: In this area, most of the units are in the "Chaotic Neutral" camp, a small part are in the "Chaotic Evil" camp, and a very small part are in the "Chaotic Evil" camp. 】

[The check found that the hunter's charm attribute is -12 points. 】

[When you negotiate with a "chaotic neutral" unit, the negotiation correction +10 points. 】

[When you negotiate with the "chaotic evil" unit, the negotiation correction +32 points. 】

[When you are negotiating with the "chaotic evil" unit, the negotiation correction +59 points. 】

Su Xiao looked around the front. This is a small town-sized building complex. The surrounding area of ​​the building complex is dark with rock texture, and the fractures are uneven.

Preliminary judgment, the exit here is only the passage when it came.

The buildings in the town have a sense of dilapidation. Most of them are rock houses. It is said that this is a small town. In fact, there are only two rows of intact buildings here, located on both sides of the street, and then outward, those rock buildings are all eroded by darkness. It was as bad as a burning candle.

The entire street is about three meters wide, and the buildings on both sides give people a sense of compactness and closure. To a certain extent, this architectural pattern also gives people a sense of security.

Su Xiao walked on the street, the rock slab under his feet seemed to have been eaten by moths, and it was full of honeycomb holes.

There are not too bright colors in the dark domain, everything is based on black, and there is a musty smell in the air.

Of the more than 30 stone houses on both sides of the entire street, only 4 stone houses have faint candlelight in their windows.

Su Xiao came to a window. The window was composed of gray glass-like objects and half-decayed metal. On the wall under the window sill, there was a layer of black substance, which gave people a thick and greasy feeling.

Boom boom boom.

Su Xiao knocked on the window.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

A 'carefree' laughter came from the window, and after ten seconds, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Su Xiao knocked on the window again, and there was a humming sound of unknown meaning, which was very similar to the humming sound of a pig.

"Small town resident: Brother Pig, I can't communicate."

After confirming the information, Su Xiao came to a stone house obliquely opposite to Brother Zhu's house. There were also candlelights in this stone house.

Boom boom boom.

Su Xiao knocked on the door this time.

"Boom boom boom."

The person inside the door imitates the knocking sound.

"I'm a new Dark Dweller."

Su Xiao spoke.

"I'm a new Dark Dweller."

The person inside the door spoke with exactly the same voice and tone as Su Xiao.

"Learn from me again, I'll go in and talk to you."

Su Xiao pressed one hand on the wooden door in front of him. Hearing what he said, the people inside the door did not imitate him anymore, but they also became silent.

The imitation man is also unable to negotiate normally. Su Xiao needs to find a dark resident who can negotiate and understand the general situation of this place.

Continuing to walk along the street, after a while, Su Xiao stopped in front of a stone house with candlelight inside, and knocked on the door.

A female voice came from inside the door: "Is it the messenger of light?"


"Unfamiliar voice," the woman inside the door approached and asked, "Where are you from?"

"The dormitory."

Su Xiao now knows too little information, in this case, lies will have the opposite effect.

"How could she agree to open the passage, she won't agree, unless...she, is dead."

At the end, the voice of the woman inside the door trembled a little.

"Well, she's dead."

With Su Xiao's confirmation, the woman inside the door was silent, and after a while, a low sob came from inside the door.

"She always said that someone has to stand up, but she, in the end, died, huh, huh~"

The woman inside the door couldn't make a sound, and her voice was sobbing as she spoke.

Su Xiao heard before that the queen's adoptive father, that is, the betrayer Gelu, mentioned that the queen has a sister, and now it seems that this seems to be the case.

Compared with the queen, her sister gave people a completely different feeling. If the queen was said to be strong and approachable, her sister was gentle and fragile. Just hearing the news of the queen's death, she couldn't help crying.

"She is, why, dead."

The queen's sister was very sad.

"I killed it."


The queen's sister was even more sad. Seeing this, Su Xiao decided to comfort her appropriately, after all, she still wanted to ask for information.

"She was beheaded by me with a single knife, and she died very simply."


The cries were louder, and the family members were emotionally unstable.


Su Xiao looked at Baha and Boubo Wang, motioning them to speak.


Boobwang said it can't speak.

"Hey, sister of the queen, don't be sad, before the queen died, she had transformed into the eldest daughter of the abyss."

Hearing this, the queen's elder sister cried a little less, and said with a sob: "I am Arya, the most useless heir of the ghost clan for hundreds of years."

Hearing this, Baja was speechless for a while. It didn't understand why Arya specifically mentioned that she was the most useless heir when introducing herself, as if it was something glorious. UU Reading

After Arya's mood stabilized, she said softly: "Don't be exposed to the darkness all the time, you will be assimilated by the abyss, go ahead and find the light bearer to get the candlestick..."

According to Arya, when you come to the "Dark Realm", you should go to the shrine at the end of the street as soon as possible, find the light bearer to get the candlesticks and candles, and then find a stone house with an unlocked door, and you can live in it , the inside is safe if the candle is not extinguished.

Su Xiao walked along the streets full of stone houses on both sides. At the end, a large stone house with half-melted outer walls blocked the street. This is what Arya called the shrine.

The two wooden doors of the shrine were wide open, and a smell of long-burning candles wafted into the nostrils. Walking into the shrine, the corners of the shrine were piled with bones. On the inside, a figure in a white robe sat in front of the table, as if is praying.

This person is Chuanguangren. Although he is dressed as a clergyman, his height is about 2.7 meters, and the muscles on his body hold up the clergyman's robe tightly. One wonders if he would have preached physics if it went against his dogma.

Seeing this person, Su Xiao knew that he had found a suitable person for the Devourer Lieyang.

Read MTL - Reincarnation Paradise - v68 Chapter 14 : The bottom of darkness - NovelBuddy (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.