Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (2024)


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#12024-07-23 1:32am

Pro MemberThe Realist
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (1)
From: The Land of Tyranny
Signed up: 2014-01-22
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Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

I was going to post this in the Political Meme thread, but thought it would get get lost in the fury of limp dck sword fighting so... I didn't.

Presidential Prediction Below.
Bare with me ~ Yes, you'll have to read for 30 seconds.Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (2)
After seeing the towers fall on 911 and remembering back to all the different cartoons and movies I had seen as a child, that depicted the destruction of the Twin Towers. I think this is when I fully came online and like a (gifted) autistic child, I've been recognizing patterns and sequence of events (for you fellow memers) without stringing up my walls with tacs and pictures... can piece data together and decode a lot of what's happening.
Since early adulthood, I have been able to see though the scripts of our reality and how we are being played by entertainers and political actors. But who is behind them pulling the strings? Maybe a later discussion.

Example: Both 911 and The WTC were established in 1968. Both would go down on 911 2001. Also in 1968 ~ Boeing would introduce the world to its first jetliner and George Bush graduated from Yale with a class of 911. The same School fellow Skull and Bones member John Kerry (and Presidential opponent in 2004) graduated from, to later become the 68th Secretary of state...
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (3)
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (4)

This one 👇 looks like it is soon to come true...

So... Get yourself ready for #47...
as soon as Covid-19 Got 46' I felt like the fix was in.
So, what I see is this push by the media to buy the script about Joe and covid and about women's rolls and empowerment ( Kamala)... and for several months now, the WNBA chick who's been bringing a lot of attention to herself and the league of women for entertainment ... I don't remember her name, but she's wearing #22 "The POWER number. Back to Biden I also see that 19 has been persistent... even in 20, 21,22,23 and 24... Somehow its still Covid-19 even though its never been the same varient since 19 they just want us to keep eating that number. Just like 911 ~ Here's some more 19s and how it ties to women and the presidency, before I get to the main course...
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (5)

Follow the Scripts... 👇

Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (6)

Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (7)

Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (8)

Unrelated, Unsolicited Call I got Today, just thought it was weird that is was "Urgent"
(Well Yesterday 7-22-24)
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (9)

So, Yeah....I think its going down.
Time will tell.
I was right about the fascination too. And I believe there will be a 2nd bullet /gunman...

Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (10)

Bikes are cool and fun to build, but if you build bikes for (and your self worth is determined by) what other man boys think of your toys
... you need counseling. 🤣
Im not here to fit in and I'm not motivated by money, aquisitions or opinions.


#22024-07-23 2:29am

Pro Member2FONGS don’t make a right..
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (11)
From: down thereTHE LAND OF JOE KING
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (12)Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (13)

Last edited by Fongstar (2024-07-23 2:30am)

My PRO-NOUNS are: MR,he,him,sir,mate,bud,brother/bro,boss,chief,hey you,motherf@rker...I prefer grandmotherf@rker.. or ROB.
Also often called: everything else under the sun..
Dislike:lairs,thief’s,fake ass hypocrites & grown men acting Like bitches..
but each to their own..death awaits us all..
everything is for sale at the right price.. Have a nice day..


#32024-07-23 8:02am

Pro MemberThe Realist
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (14)
From: The Land of Tyranny
Signed up: 2014-01-22
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

Fongstar wrote: … 7ed72.jpeg … 816d3.jpeg

Thats good... 👍
Not caring about someone elses' opinion, is the first step to not getting offended when they tell you theirs.
In typical museum fashion, you've grasped onto that 1 thing to respond to that had nothing to do with the post.
I KNOW you are starting to see through the BS because you mentioned how much Suspect sh*t is happening in politics.
False Flags run Rampant.

Last edited by DvBrien (2024-07-23 8:08am)

Bikes are cool and fun to build, but if you build bikes for (and your self worth is determined by) what other man boys think of your toys
... you need counseling. 🤣
Im not here to fit in and I'm not motivated by money, aquisitions or opinions.


#42024-07-23 8:46am

Pro Member
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (15)
From: Rockstar Energy BMX
Signed up: 2023-08-03
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

Gematria can be interesting too ... and imagined ... and intentional.

Patterns and reoccurances can be real... or contrived as well... but many odd things are well beyond the limits of scientific probability and are barely above non zero.

Does this not lend you to the notion that there is, indeed, spiritual warfare going on in this world and that our 5 senses rarely let us grasp even close to all of it Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (16)

Last edited by TexasLandmark (2024-07-23 8:51am)

Tx13 Novice 41-45
The right amount of sketchy
Steel Frame And A Gyro


#52024-07-23 8:53am

Pro Member
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (17)
From: Rockstar Energy BMX
Signed up: 2023-08-03
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

DvBrien wrote:

Fongstar wrote: … 7ed72.jpeg … 816d3.jpeg

Thats good... 👍
Not caring about someone elses' opinion, is the first step to not getting offended when they tell you theirs.
In typical museum fashion, you've grasped onto that 1 thing to respond to that had nothing to do with the post.
I KNOW you are starting to see through the BS because you mentioned how much Suspect sh*t is happening in politics.
False Flags run Rampant.

Some haven't been granted "eyes and ears to see and hear" Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (18)

Tx13 Novice 41-45
The right amount of sketchy
Steel Frame And A Gyro


#62024-07-23 9:17am

Pro MemberThe Realist
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (19)
From: The Land of Tyranny
Signed up: 2014-01-22
Posts: 1399
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

TexasLandmark wrote:

Gematria can be interesting too ... and imagined ... and intentional.

Patterns and reoccurances can be real... or contrived as well... but many odd things are well beyond the limits of scientific probability and are barely above non zero.

Does this not lend you to the notion that there is, indeed, spiritual warfare going on in this world and that our 5 senses rarely let us grasp even close to all of it Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (20)

There is unseen forces at play.
No one truly knows anything... and the more I believe Ive learned, the more I have relised how little I actually know. Our senses deceive us and much of what we have believed is true, has lead to our own undoing...
Those who have control over information,
Release bits and pieces, to give people the impression of being knowledgable,
but 100% of the time, that information is released with counter information to cause confusion and create conflict. People don't know enough to realise, they dont know enough.
Who ever created this language, has been mocking us, since the beginning.
Science is supposed to be the foundation of truth, yet look at the origin of the word from latin.
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (21)
It's all methodically planned out and scripted.

Last edited by DvBrien (2024-07-23 9:22am)

Bikes are cool and fun to build, but if you build bikes for (and your self worth is determined by) what other man boys think of your toys
... you need counseling. 🤣
Im not here to fit in and I'm not motivated by money, aquisitions or opinions.


#72024-07-23 9:27am

Pro Member
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (22)
From: Rockstar Energy BMX
Signed up: 2023-08-03
Posts: 1275
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

Well..."science".... should still be called "natural philosophy" but the manipulation of our languages is a whole nuther thread.

Scripted yes and no.... there is a plan and good prevails... but the other side is kicking that can down the road from what is inevitable ... but I don't believe that it is fully scripted.

I believe some knowledge has been "gifted" to mankind... some benevolent... but much much knowledge as a trap for our desruction.

I've been gifted with dyslexia... so despite many challenges I've had due to that... it has strong points too... I have the gift of figuring out systems, connecting things that are obvious to me but overlooked by others. ... and some of it comes from evil mocking us.

Tx13 Novice 41-45
The right amount of sketchy
Steel Frame And A Gyro


#82024-07-23 10:04am

Pro MemberThe Realist
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (23)
From: The Land of Tyranny
Signed up: 2014-01-22
Posts: 1399
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

TexasLandmark wrote:

I've been gifted with dyslexia... so despite many challenges I've had due to that... it has strong points too... I have the gift of figuring out systems, connecting things that are obvious to me but overlooked by others. ...

I could have wrote this ☝️and know exactly what you mean.
~ When I say things are scripted, The underlying meaning, is that...

There are people in the know, above our social circles, that orchestrate our lives. Theyve put corrupted individuals in place to change policies and If policy cant change peoples behaviors, they stage some event to sway peoples opinions.
Like they just did with the fakassination.
As if Trump supporters are going to say, "Yea those damn ARs need to go, now that it was used in an attempt to take out our guy. Same thing they been doing with mass school shootings... always trying to involve children to get the most emotional impact.
Throughout that staged congressional hearing (that Youtube was trying to force down everyones throats), ARs were being talked about in a negative light from "both" parties. The democrats lead the charge asking bullying questions, in defense of Trump... trying to sell the false flag to the american people. Like, we would think, "well if they believed it happened, I should believe it too"... Scripted. But folks just cant see the contradiction to logic. We have no way to comfirm anything they say, but youre a conspiracy theorist if you can remember the lies they told yesterday and dont trust the horse sh*t they want to pass off as roses today.
And they dont do themselves any favors when the talk about things not being theater and make points against their own narratives.
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (24)

Last edited by DvBrien (2024-07-24 3:58pm)

Bikes are cool and fun to build, but if you build bikes for (and your self worth is determined by) what other man boys think of your toys
... you need counseling. 🤣
Im not here to fit in and I'm not motivated by money, aquisitions or opinions.


#92024-07-23 10:17am

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Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (25)
From: Des Moines, Ia
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

Can you predict the PowerBall numbers too? If so, message me. Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (26)


#102024-07-23 10:24am

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Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (27)
From: Rockstar Energy BMX
Signed up: 2023-08-03
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

DvBrien wrote:

There are people in the know, above our social circles, that orchestrate our lives. Theyve put corrupted individuals in place to change policies and If policy cant change peoples behaviors, they stage some event to sway peoples opinions.

Yes... but there is a layer of entities above people.

... and sometimes God will let humans have what they think that theg want for a bit. Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (28)

Tx13 Novice 41-45
The right amount of sketchy
Steel Frame And A Gyro


#112024-07-23 10:29am

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Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (29)
From: Rockstar Energy BMX
Signed up: 2023-08-03
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

MelvinsArmy wrote:

Can you predict the PowerBall numbers too? If so, message me. Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (30)

The lottery is pretty much a stupid tax and may give some a dopamine drop.

Nah... I see more in hindsight being linked... but sometimes you can see things coming that other people don't... and yeah yeah confirmation bias can play in to that.

The amount of people that are one layer thinkers is astounding though... the one's that pretty much see eggs... and stop at "they come from the store" and that's how the whole world works to them... from morality to politics...

Tx13 Novice 41-45
The right amount of sketchy
Steel Frame And A Gyro


#122024-07-23 11:05am

Pro MemberThe Realist
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (31)
From: The Land of Tyranny
Signed up: 2014-01-22
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

MelvinsArmy wrote:

Can you predict the PowerBall numbers too? If so, message me. Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (32)

Sure, however.... there were 2 winners from the same store in CA last year out of hundreds of millions of tickets sold and before that, the programmer guy who worked for the lottery commission that fled to Canada after his brother won the lottery, the year before then he won the lottery and tried to have an attorney claim it so no one would know who it was, is indicative that its rigged, and he did it the same way the dominion lottery, I mean Voting machines are compromised...

Bikes are cool and fun to build, but if you build bikes for (and your self worth is determined by) what other man boys think of your toys
... you need counseling. 🤣
Im not here to fit in and I'm not motivated by money, aquisitions or opinions.


#132024-07-23 11:08am

Pro Member
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (33)
From: Rockstar Energy BMX
Signed up: 2023-08-03
Posts: 1275
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

DvBrien wrote:

MelvinsArmy wrote:

Can you predict the PowerBall numbers too? If so, message me. Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (34)

Sure, however.... there were 2 winners from the same store in CA last year out of hundreds of millions of tickets sold and before that, the programmer guy who worked for the lottery commission that fled to Canada after his brother won the lottery, the year before then he won the lottery and tried to have an attorney claim it so no one would know who it was, is indicative that its rigged, and he did it the same way the dominion lottery, I mean Voting machines are compromised...

... the lottery for the prols in 1984 wasn't far off.... assuming anyone actually won.

Tx13 Novice 41-45
The right amount of sketchy
Steel Frame And A Gyro


#142024-07-23 11:55am

Pro MemberThe Realist
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (35)
From: The Land of Tyranny
Signed up: 2014-01-22
Posts: 1399
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

TexasLandmark wrote:

DvBrien wrote:

There are people in the know, above our social circles, that orchestrate our lives. Theyve put corrupted individuals in place to change policies and If policy cant change peoples behaviors, they stage some event to sway peoples opinions.

Yes... but there is a layer of entities above people.

... and sometimes God will let humans have what they think that theg want for a bit. Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (36)

I could be wrong about everything, but what I have put together is...
The people at the top who are in control of this world, own and control almost all countries. They turn people against other country's citizens to start wars, and then fund both sides... I personally think its about human sacrifice to their God.

And since they also own the media companies
They use propaganda, that someone is losing the war to crush their financial markets, then they invest in that financial market
Before putting out counter propaganda that they are now winning, and reap the financial benifits.

Now they just type money into existence, while trying to convince us taxes are necessary.

Off topic, but reminds me,
Look at all the con artist trying to push gold... in exchange for "DOLLARS" when they say gold will increase in value and dollars will deflate. So why take dollars in exchange? Because the same people own those financial institutions and plan to steal it back.
~ after they passed the 13th amendment to free the slaves, they passed the 14th ammendment, that legally enslaves everyone. In 1933 they (STOLE) took possession of all gold and this amendment gave them that right.
It states that, as a "citizen" our person, labor, possessions, land, finances and food is the collateral for the country's debt
and we actually own nothing as long as the Citizenry are indebted. This is why all the propaganda against sovereign citizens (the only true free inhabitants of this country) is being pushed and mocked and also why all the politicians are running up the debt to unfixable levels...
The Great Reset is also being elevated ~ because they have to tell us what they are doing to alleviate themselves of "Karmic" responsibility" .
Which brings us back, full circle to predictive programming. There are SOO many layers. It is incredibly well designed / orchestrated and can make you go crazy trying to juggle all of it.😱

Bikes are cool and fun to build, but if you build bikes for (and your self worth is determined by) what other man boys think of your toys
... you need counseling. 🤣
Im not here to fit in and I'm not motivated by money, aquisitions or opinions.


#152024-07-23 12:01pm

Pro MemberThe Realist
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (37)
From: The Land of Tyranny
Signed up: 2014-01-22
Posts: 1399
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

☝️this is why we have birth certificates now (bondage at birth) and Social security numbers, started like 1936, to track our labor and use us as collateral, in investment markets.

Bikes are cool and fun to build, but if you build bikes for (and your self worth is determined by) what other man boys think of your toys
... you need counseling. 🤣
Im not here to fit in and I'm not motivated by money, aquisitions or opinions.


#162024-07-23 12:17pm

Pro Member
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (38)
From: Rockstar Energy BMX
Signed up: 2023-08-03
Posts: 1275
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

DvBrien wrote:

TexasLandmark wrote:

DvBrien wrote:

There are people in the know, above our social circles, that orchestrate our lives. Theyve put corrupted individuals in place to change policies and If policy cant change peoples behaviors, they stage some event to sway peoples opinions.

Yes... but there is a layer of entities above people.

... and sometimes God will let humans have what they think that theg want for a bit. Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (39)

I could be wrong about everything, but what I have put together is...
The people at the top who are in control of this world, own and control almost all countries. They turn people against other country's citizens to start wars, and then fund both sides... I personally think its about human sacrifice to their God.

And since they also own the media companies
They use propaganda, that someone is losing the war to crush their financial markets, then they invest in that financial market
Before putting out counter propaganda that they are now winning, and reap the financial benifits.

Now they just type money into existence, while trying to convince us taxes are necessary.

Off topic, but reminds me,
Look at all the con artist trying to push gold... in exchange for "DOLLARS" when they say gold will increase in value and dollars will deflate. So why take dollars in exchange? Because the same people own those financial institutions and plan to steal it back.
~ after they passed the 13th amendment to free the slaves, they passed the 14th ammendment, that legally enslaves everyone. In 1933 they (STOLE) took possession of all gold and this amendment gave them that right.
It states that, as a "citizen" our person, labor, possessions, land, finances and food is the collateral for the country's debt
and we actually own nothing as long as the Citizenry are indebted. This is why all the propaganda against sovereign citizens (the only true free inhabitants of this country) is being pushed and mocked and also why all the politicians are running up the debt to unfixable levels...
The Great Reset is also being elevated ~ because they have to tell us what they are doing to alleviate themselves of "Karmic" responsibility" .
Which brings us back, full circle to predictive programming. There are SOO many layers. It is incredibly well designed / orchestrated and can make you go crazy trying to juggle all of it.😱

Well.... I do think that this has been handed off to their children and children's children... and they don't really know how to operate the system as it was set up. Alternates to mass media was not anticipated in the forms we have... and while it is attempted to be regulated to oblivion... it isn't as capable to be squashed as it used to be. The machine was set up and designed by the human architects that are long gone... their offspring has gone off the rails... and the desperation is obvious.

Cash money and gold is all imaginary ways to establish trade... and I can't eat it any more than I can digital bits... we will see where it all goes. I wouldn't trade a chicken that lays eggs for a gold bar if stuff hit the fan. I'm not a pepper. I keep the fuel tanks full, and the pantry with non perishables. Camping goods and reels and other food gathering devices ready. You can only flee with what fits in your vehicle and go as far as your fuel if it really went south. 1933 was dirty... so was November of 63... and that showed the first signs of breaking down. And its a delicate balance... it's easier to control those that don't recognize that they are being controlled... and some are fine being controlled for "safety" (derp)... but, I think, more people are recognizing it's not quite what it seems.... humanity has had its uls and downs... this isn't the worst the world has ever been.

Tx13 Novice 41-45
The right amount of sketchy
Steel Frame And A Gyro


#172024-07-23 2:46pm

Pro MemberThe Realist
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (40)
From: The Land of Tyranny
Signed up: 2014-01-22
Posts: 1399
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (41)

Last edited by DvBrien (Yesterday 10:29pm)

Bikes are cool and fun to build, but if you build bikes for (and your self worth is determined by) what other man boys think of your toys
... you need counseling. 🤣
Im not here to fit in and I'm not motivated by money, aquisitions or opinions.


#182024-07-24 11:33am

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Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (42)
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Re: Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers

DvBrien wrote:

YET. … 2427d6.jpg

Just wait. It is about to get much worse.
Predictive Programming and Reoccurring Numbers (43)


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